Erasmus+ Project: 2022–2 – TR01 – KA210 – SCH – 000096047
May 2023 – April 2024
The main goal of the project is to raise awareness among students and teachers, who form the main target group, about climate change, the impacts of which can be observed concretely around the world, and to encourage the development of innovative practices related to climate change through the activities that will be carried out. Under the main theme of climate change, activities will be carried out on sub-topics such as water management, waste management, and energy efficiency in the project.
Other goals:
- Creating awareness among teachers and students about climate change,
- Acquiring experience on how teachers from different branches can integrate climate change into their lessons (Lesson plans and sample practices will be prepared as project products),
- Supporting the development and implementation skills of teachers for climate change projects,
- Developing climate-friendly behaviours among students,
- Developing good practices on water management, waste management, and energy efficiency under the main theme of climate change for teachers and students,
- Acquiring approaches on how to include the topic of climate change in education for different branches.
Turkey – Özlüce Rasim Özdenören Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi, Bursa

North Macedonia – Centre for Climate Change, Skopje

Portugal – Agrupamento de Escolas de Penacova

the Czech Republic – Střední odborné učiliště elektrotechnické, Plzeň