Erasmus+ Project: 2022–2 – TR01 – KA210 – SCH – 000096047
Report from the activity LTT1 North Macedonia
Centre for Climate Change, Skopje
Septembre 19 – 22, 2023

Turkey – Özlüce Rasim Özdenören, Bursa
Portugal – Agrupamento de Escolas de Penacova
the Czech Republic – Střední odborné učiliště elektrotechnické, Plzeň
Centre for Climate Change organised the first activity for teachers from all three partner schools. During 4 working days all participants met the staff from Centre for Climate Change https://ckp.org.mk/ which is non – government, non – religious, non – political and non – profit organisation. The mission of the centre is to protect environment and implement activities combating climate change and improving environment.

All partners introduced their schools and the institution, changed their experience and ideas about the themes like climate change, waste, water protection, alternative sources of energy and other topics concerning protection of environment.

Participants visited the institution “The Hydrometeorological Service Macedonia” https://uhmr.gov.mk/. Its main tasks are low of hydrometeorological issues, collect and store hydrological, meteorological and water quality data for early warning and issue hydrological and meteorological warnings. We spoke with some of the stuff from this institution and saw the different equipment and software which they use.

Participants met the representants of two organisations where work young people who are trying to improve environment in North Macedonia due to informing public, students, teachers, pupils, legal representatives of the state etc. The first are young lawyers who work mainly with legislative issues and the second is the association Go Green https://www.bidizelen.org/en/home/ who work also with schools.

Partners found time to the city Skopje, some museums and the protected natural area – canyon Matka.

At the end of the first successful meeting, we planned other activities and meetings of the project, project aims, dissemination, partners´ tasks and project outputs.